GOLDEN Water softener
combines three features: modernity, eco-friendliness, and efficiency. Are you looking for a device that ensures you have a continuous supply of clean and soft water while being effective and safe? GOLDEN might be just what you need!
The GOLDEN Water softener combines three features: modernity, eco-friendliness, and efficiency. Are you looking for a device that ensures you have a continuous supply of clean and soft water while being effective and safe? GOLDEN might be just what you need!
What will you gain with the GOLDEN Water softener?
- Soft water, free from scale
The GOLDEN device effectively reduces water hardness, so you and your family can enjoy delicious and healthy water straight from the tap. The water softener helps protect household appliances from scale buildup, extending their lifespan and preventing costly repairs.
- Energy savings
Appliances like water heaters and washing machines will no longer have clogged pipes or heating elements, which means they need less energy to operate. The GOLDEN water softener is an investment that lowers electricity bills and minimizes environmental impact.
- Safety and hygiene
The built-in chlorine generator automatically disinfects the system, ensuring safety with no extra effort on your part. The device prevents bacterial growth on its own, giving you the confidence that your water is clean.
What else is worth noting?
The GOLDEN Water Softener from USTM is a partner in maintaining the health and comfort of your family.
The dry tank feature reduces salt consumption, thereby lowering operating costs. Additionally, the UPFLOW regeneration system increases the efficiency of the softening process, meaning the device uses even less salt and water. These innovative solutions make GOLDEN exceptionally efficient and environmentally friendly.
By investing in the GOLDEN Water Softener, you choose a product that provides a continuous supply of high-quality water with minimal effort. Enjoy every day with clean and healthy water in your home!
Chlor zawarty w wodzie powoduje podrażnienia, swędzenie oraz nadmierne złuszczanie się naskórka. Zwiększa również łamliwość paznokci. Węgiel aktywny zawarty w filtrze usuwa z wody chlor i niweluje jego szkodliwy wpływ.
Symbol | WS-20-LCD-GOLDEN | WS-25-LCD-GOLDEN |
Zawartość jonitu | 20 l | 25 l |
Wymiary (szer. / głęb. / wys.) | 33x45x111 cm | |
Rozmiar butli (śred. / wys.) | 8"/35" | 10"/35" |
Temperatura wody zasilającej | 4-30oC | |
Ciśnienie pracy | 1,5-5 bar | |
Zasilanie, napięcie | 230/12 V | |
Pobór mocy | 8 W | |
Przyłącze | 1" | |
Zdolność jonowymienna | 57o dH x m3 | 71o dH x m3 |
Typ regeneracji | objętościowo-czasowy up flow | |
Średnie zużycie soli na regenerację | 3 kg | 3,5 kg |
Zużycie wody na regenerację | 140 [l] | 160 [l] |
Przepływ maksymalny | 2 [m3/h] | |
Waga | 34,5 kg | 40 kg |