Wound cartridges – PP

By using a special method of winding the yarn onto the core, a product with a gradient structure is created. The fiber density increases towards the interior of the cartridge, which reduces the micron rating and enhances filtration efficiency.

It retains impurities
such as rust, sand, and silt


Compatible with
most filters

Description How does that work? Technical data
PP pudełko

Wound water filter – effective and reliable
The simplest yet highly effective way to purify water is with a string water filter. Made of nonwoven fabric, it captures all impurities and serves as a shield protecting water treatment stations. The string water filter allows for the preservation of the liquid’s taste, without the concern of bacteria or other contaminants accumulating on it. Opt for proven solutions and choose string water filters from a reputable manufacturer.

Wkład PP ZOOM zmechacenie

Wound cartridges are made from the highest quality polypropylene yarn

  • They retain solid impurities such as rust, sand, and silt.
  • Extended cartridge lifespan thanks to gradient construction.
  • Affordable price.

By using a special method of winding the yarn onto the core (spindle), a product with a gradient structure is obtained. The fiber density increases towards the interior of the cartridge, which reduces the micron rating and enhances filtration efficiency.

How does that work?
Zanieczyszczona woda przepływa przez wkład w kierunku jego rdzenia. Osady w niej zawarte są zatrzymywane przez mikropory, których średnica maleje w kierunku wnętrza. Duże cząsteczki wychwytywane są przy powierzchni, natomiast małe w głębiej położonych warstwach. Dzięki temu zwiększa się efektywna powierzchnia, skuteczność filtracji oraz żywotność wkładu.


Technical data
Size 5" 10" 10" 20" 10"BB 20"BB
1 MIKRON (μm) x PP1 x x x x
10 MIKRONS (μm) x PP10 x x x x
20 MIKRONS (μm) x PP20 PP20M PLUS PP20-L PP20M10BB PP20M20BB
50 MIKRONS (μm) x PP50 x x x x
Dimensions (mm) 127±1 x 58±0.5 255±1 x 55±0.5 255±1 x 66±0.5 510±1 x 58±0.5 260±1 x 103±0.5 510±1 x 103±0.5
Life span max 6 (m-ce)
Working temp. 2-45 (ºC)
Flow rate 15 (l/min) 25 (l/min) 35 (l/min) 35 (l/min) 40 (l/min) 60 (l/min)